Our objective

The Czech-Liechtenstein Society was formally established on 1 February 2018. It aims to develop mutual relations and support all activities that connect both countries. The programme of the Society includes not only social meetings but also educational lectures, conferences, exhibitions and sightseeing tours.

We firmly believe that the Czech Republic and Liechtenstein, both sharing the same history, traditions and values of our civilisation, may gain a lot from fostering the mutual knowledge and more intensive co-operation. We believe that we may help mitigate the traumas from the past, contribute to solving current problematic issues and especially create opportunities and visions for the future. We wish to contribute to these goals in an active and long-term manner.

Nově založená Česko-lichtenštejnská společnost zahájila svoji činnost slavnostním večerem v Lobkowiczkém paláci na Pražském hradě dne 11. dubna 2018.
The newly established Czech-Liechtenstein society started its activity with a ceremonial evening held in Lobkowicz Palace at Prague Castle on 11 April 2018.
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