2023, May - Opening of the Exhibition The Princes of Liechtenstein. Lords of the Land of Opava and Krnov.

200 paintings, documents and objects are on display in the exhibition "Princes of Liechtenstein. Lords of the Land of Opava and Krnov", which takes place in the historical exhibition building of the Silesian Museum in Opava.

On the anniversary of the acquisition of the Principality of Opava by Karl I of Liechtenstein, it presents four centuries of the Liechtenstein family's activity in Opava and Krnov. Some of the exhibits were loaned to the museum by the Princely Family, five members of which attended the May opening. Members of the Czech-Lichtenstein Society were also invited to this outstanding event.

The exhibition will run until 28 January 2024 and will present a number of unique works that the public can only see at such special occasions.

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